
Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 -- Year of the Veggie!

This year I resolve to feed my family food that is good and good for them. This menu is full of yummy veggies that hopefully will make it into our regular rotation. And yours too! Don't worry I still included a dessert. See you next week!

Spicy Black Bean Burger with Spicy Chipotle Mayo


Zucchini and tomato “pasta”

White House Biggest Loser Salad


Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispies

Caramelized Spicy Green Beans

Blueberry Mango Quinoa with lemon basil dressing

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


it's here! (i mean the blog and 2013!) whew..
took a little longer than i expected to get this thing going..

i wanted to send a reminder of the description of cooking club, expectations, etc. 
so here it goes.

we will meet one time per month and cook a meal from a menu that the hostess chooses. the hostess will chose the menu and will let the people know what they are cooking. we will rotate the different dishes so no one will get stuck making the salad (or dessert in my case!) every time! if you are hosting the dinner-you get to chose everything-if you want to "theme" the night-you can...mexican, italian, summer, etc. if you are hosting the month, please get the menu out 1 week before we meet so that there's enough time to get the ingredients, etc. 

we are going to meet the 3rd thursday of every month except for november and december. it's pretty important to be able to attend the majority of the months since part of the meal will depend on you!
here are the 2 different groups:

team 1: (ODD months...)
jen davenport
emily hathcock
whitney porter

sara shankle
catherine ward 
kati wilks

team 2: (EVEN months...)
haley short
keata snider
jill taylor
theresa volbert

alison weaver
amy wren

sub list: 
sara smith
whitney sikes

emily hathcock volunteered to host january-thanks emily. we will meet on january 24 at 7 pm at emily's house. she will post the menu on our blog 1 week before we meet. she will NOT send out an email so please check the blog to get your responsibility for the night. 

1. if you know of anyone who would like to sub, please leave a comment on this post and i will add them to the sub list. please do NOT leave their phone number or contact info. i will send that in an email since this is a public blog. with that being said, you may not want to leave your address or any other personal info on the blog (just a thought)
2. please sign up for a month that you will host by leaving a comment on this post. i will look at it and put together another post with all the assigned months. it will be first come first serve! 

alright, i think that's it BUT i'm sure i'm leaving something or someone out (i left haley's name off last year..oops)
please leave a comment if i've left something off and i will add it!

i'm excited about our new addition-the blog- i hope it will add another positive dimension to our cooking club! 

christmas party

jill, thanks for hosting a wonderful party! i know the husbands enjoy a taste of our monthly cuisine.

i hope everyone had a merry christmas and is ready to kick off 2013!